Before I watched 'Lost Generation,' I was curious as to what this video would be about. As I began watching it, my first reaction was confusion. As I listened to the words being spoken and scroll by on the screen, I was disturbed by their message. Suggesting that money will mean more to people than their kids, that jobs will become more important than family, that divorce is a common happening, and environmental destruction is the norm were things that I did not want to hear. But then the narrator stated, "All of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it," and the same text started scrolling backwards. Now the message was that of hope and the statements no longer left me with an uneasy feeling.
Are we the lost generation that this video is talking about? My belief is that yes we are. Even though it is very difficult for us to see or admit to, all of the statements are true to some extent in today's society. I believe that we are the lost generation, but that that does not mean that we are totally lost. There is still hope for us, but it is going to take realization, reaction, change and action to reverse our path. Right now, we are on our way down a terribly disturbing path, but it is still possible and necessary to turn around and go the other way. Especially with my recent involvement in classrooms and several school settings, I have seen that in this fast-paced society children are not placed as the number one priority, families are struggling to make ends meet, and to stay together. Not to mention that today's children are extremely naive about nature and it's importance (as I discussed in my last blog entry). This is all true today and we should be concerned.
I felt that this video was an extremely creative way to present this message. It obviously took a lot of time to create and place phrases together that would work both forwards and backwards. I found it interesting that this video was so effective, and yet all it was was an arrangement of words, and no images. Usually as humans we very visual beings, however this video was able to convey a strong sense of warning and urgency to the viewer just by using words. To view the video go to this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42E2fAWM6rA
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